George ALLEY

"Fabulously Creative" - Philadelphia Magazine “The Boy Joan Jett” - Accidental Bear

“Top Ten LGBTQ Artists of October” - Instinct Magazine “The Prince Charming of Pop Punk” - Nene’s Butler

George Alley is one of the Ten Best Albums of 2024” - Loverboy Magazine


These grand post-punk pop new songs reaffirm Alley’s description of the follow-up to his more somber ballad “Just Leave Me Dreaming” as “a power record.” Upon announcing the album, he explained, “I was born being obsessed with all kinds of music from the Punk songs I write about as a journalist and professor, to the pop songs I grew up listening to while auditioning for the New Mickey Mouse Club, to the dance music I have been hearing in clubs from New York to Berlin. This is the album I’ve always wanted to make.”

George Alley on his LP, “Each one of theses songs is diaristic, fun, mean, sincere, and a bit punky.” I’m inspired by work as a Professor of Punk and Creative studies to explore my own version of DIY as well as the many conversations I’ve had with other musicians as the Features Editor of Loverboy Magazine to explore creating a world for myself that I think others might enjoy but that is also unique to my own contrarian sense of self.

George on the track, “Only the Shadows Know” was something my grandfather would say when he didn’t have the answers to something. This song searches for answers by looking to the past—part of it comes from a song I wrote in 2008, during a long-term relationship, and part of it reflects on the person who wrote those lyrics from my present perspective.

At the time, I had a magnet on my fridge listing my astrological sign (Cancer) as “clingy” and “resentful”,  which inspired the idea of this as a Cancerian love song—embracing the contradictions of nostalgia, manipulation, and emotional intensity attributed to the sign. The song itself began as a 20-minute collage, which eventually transformed into the closing and most vulnerable track on the album.”

Like many single people—or those in complicated relationships—I’ve always had a conflicted relationship with Valentine’s Day. There’s this societal pressure not just to be in a relationship but to be in one that makes sense to others, which can feel suffocating. When I was writing “Blue Valentine”, I was dating someone at the time, but I already sensed that things weren’t quite right. Maybe, in a way, I just wanted to be in a relationship for the sake of being in one—hence the line, “I’m just falling for my reflection in your eyes.” Read more at

LETGO “‘’Letgo’ was a song I had written and forgotten about. Ian was instrumental on us recording it as he took it out of the Dropbox and started playing an acoustic guitar along with my synth tracks and vocal melody. Suddenly it felt like a sunset at a festival type song. I found the 1990’s Casio I’m playing in the trash. With the effect pedals we plugged it into, it sounds like a UFO. Letgo is about my absolute fear of change in love, career whatever; When you feel like you don’t make good decisions sometimes you just don’t make any at all.” Read More :

XRAY as a song is about that romantic intensity and the almost surreal experience of being ‘seen.’ Sometimes, we have moments of kismet where someone sees past the mask and wants to know more; they photograph us, like an X-ray.

It doesn’t mean it will last, but it’s exciting when you have those moments.

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King in Town - George Alley

‘King in Town’ - George Alley “At its heart, ‘King In Town’ is a story of a ruler being usurped by a new contender to the throne. It parallels my own experience with a guy who was initially interested in me—but after I introduced him to a friend, he decided to pursue them instead,” Alley told Magnet Magazine

My Reputation - George Alley

All the songs on George Alley's self titled album are diaristic but none reflect on that process more than "My Reputation." A song about self-image and the pressure of how society views us. As he told Loverboy Magazine "Well, because it was my first album and named after me, it was about thinking about me in the present, the past, and the future simultaneously. They’re all different chapters of things I’m either thinking about now, wanting to do in the future or reflecting on from the past. They are all different avatars for me—ways I see myself or a response to how others have described me."

Choice to Be Bad - George Alley

With Choice to Be Bad I’ve always loved to play a huckster or a deviant salesperson of some kind. When my friend worked at the fetish store ensconced in an elevator shaft at the  Eagle in NYC, I used to love to act like I worked there and get  people to buy things. Actually getting people to buy things is maybe my favorite hobby! 

Growing up in suburban Cleveland, there would always be an auction for a week on the public access station, WVIZ. My sister and I would call in and bid on the most random things, from carbonation machines to garden gnomes, when my parents went out on the weekend, much to their consternation when they would have to drive us downtown to pick up our winnings. 

Fake Sick! - George Alley

The inspiration for 'Fake Sick!' actually started with a line I wrote while I was enjoying a Guinness alone at Temple Bar in Dublin. I was listening to a band sing a love song and feeling quite content with myself at the same time, so the line ‘I’m self-involved enough to be proud of this empty heart’ went into my notes app. In my favorite songs, the narrator is often an anti-hero or has some clear personality flaws. I know I can be a difficult personality for some, particularly coupled friends who want everyone to settle down, and I kind of relish having that animosity with them. After I wrote the song on the synth (which you also hear), we transposed it to guitar voicing with Ian Romer (the producer of this song and its parent album), and then Jack Reilly added some aggressive drumming

George Alley - Summer Trophies

Summer Trophies was my first single as a solo artist which I have re-recorded for the album. It is framed as a podcast about the old Summer Trophies music video, mixed with my vacation footage from this year. Summer Trophies is about that nostalgia we feel at the end of summer, looking back at the things we’ve done, the speedos we’ve worn, and the men we’ve kissed. While I directed the new video, Adam Peditto who directed the original video was a contributing editor on the new version so we both got to look back on the song visually; almost like scrapbooking. 

Wishlist - George Alley

Earmilk describes 'Wishlist' as : "George Alley shares hypnotic offering “Wishlist,” the second single off their upcoming self-titled debut album. Foreboding and soothing all at once, the track brims with the expansive post-punk pop signature that forms the core of his new project. 

Led by haunting vocal lines layered over bold beats and smooth melodies, the track is accompanied by minimal but impact visuals. Powerful yet meditative, Alley pulls us into an immersive sonic world that stretches out with a sense of grandeur.

Live at GroundFloor Studios 2024 - George Alley

Live concert with King in Town, Wishlist, My Reputation, Letgo and Choice to Be Bad.

George Alley Band is: George Alley, Ian Romer and Jack Reilly performed Jan 2024 at GroundFloor Studios